By , On ตุลาคม 9, 2017 ปิดความเห็น บน IBC liner bag

Steripac Asia offers an IBC Liner ranging from 1000 – 1500 litres, as well as custommade IBC liners with pillow type and cubic type liner bag and different material structures and various fitments and spouts to match customers demands.


Our IBC Liners Follow the Bag-in-Box Principle

In general, our liners compose a two part system consisting of a liner bag and an intermediate bulk container or IBC. This sytem is called the bag-in-box intermediate bulk container or in short  BIB-IBC.

How do you benefits from using bag in box IBC systems.

  1. There’s a significant cost advantage from this system which allows the residual is almost zero. The liner bag is squeezable when almost empty, So this sytem can make just 1or 2% residual while the conventional composite IBC or steel cage IBC leaves residual over 5 to 7%.
  2. The foldable and returnable IBC  allows for logistic optimization by managing storage and return transport more efficiently. The collapsible IBC can also save 70% space in warehouse and on a truck when it is folded and stacked. Thanks to this foldable property. The customers are very happy with IBC liner bag system.
  3. Consistent quality, the liner is single use, thus makes no contaminations  in the products from poor cleaning returnable containers,  So no rejection or product recall from customers.
  4. IBC liner are eco friendly and fully dispoable.